Traveling to France from the UK: France travel restrictions to know

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Traveling to France from the UK: France travel restrictions to know

villefranche on sea in evening picture

Considering the Covid Surge France is to ban all UK tourists from 18 December(Saturday) has been confirmed by the sources.

France travel restrictions from the UK

As reports said it is not a complete ban Some of the most required trips will be permitted by new restrictions.
It doesn’t matter whether you are fully vaccinated or not from midnight on Saturday you will no longer be able to travel for leisure purposes.

For now, double-jabbed British arrivals are allowed in for any purpose.

France entry requirements covid

Though These restrictions will not affect French citizens and EU nationals they will still be able to return to France from the UK.

For the individuals who are permitted entry, requirements for the testing are expected to tighten up, with UK arrivals required to take a Covid test 24 hours before departure instead of the current 48.

If you are thinking Of spending your Christmas in France then it will be hard for you. 

“We will put in place a system of controls drastically tighter than the one we have already,” government spokesman Gabriel Attal told BFM-TV.

The UK’s transport secretary, Grant Shapps, tweeted that he has “liaised with my French counterpart @Djebbari_JB and haulers will remain exempt”.

The office of Prime Minister Jean Castex is expected to issue a statement on the new measures in the coming hours.

You can know about full restrictions and advice from the official website here.

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